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Community Harvest Food Bank—Feed the Fort October 7, 2010

Posted by Christine in Fort Wayne.
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In our Design Theory class we have been asked to design a plan for a donor recognition wall for Community Harvest Food Bank.  On Wednesday this week we actually went to the food bank and saw the space where they would put it.  We also toured the building and saw what was being done there.  They plan on expanding the building and the new donor wall is included in this expansion.  The food bank feeds thousands of hungry people in the nine Northeast Indiana counties. 

Because of the economy there are more and more people who need assistance with food and so the demand is growing.  A lot of their storage areas were bare.  Here at Saint Francis we collect food for Feed the Fort and it was a reminder that organizations like Community Harvest need all the help they can get.  Even if one person doesn’t have much to give (I’m a college student for crying out loud) it does help when everyone gives what they can.  In our classes we collect loose change and last year it actually totaled pretty high.