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Snowpocalypse!!! February 6, 2011

Posted by Christine in Class, festive, Fort Wayne, Random.
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Abominable Snow persons and beasts

Dear University of Saint Francis,

Thank you ever so much for closing from 12 noon Tuesday to 12 noon Thursday.  I got to miss every  class except creative writing.  I probably wouldn’t have skidded into a snow bank while going to class since I live on campus, but all the commuters could have.   However, considering all the snow mountains the plows made, I might have suffocated in an avalanche or frozen to death walking from Bonzel (residence hall) to the art building.   So thank you, thank you, you glorious institution you.  I haven’t even mentioned all the homework I had the opportunity to get to caught up on but didn’t.  Hallelujah!

With inexpressible affection,


If you ever wondered what a Snowpocalypse is like on a college campus (at least Saint Francis’s campus) here is the big scoop:

1.1 You hope and pray and pray and hope the night before that you will be given that extra day to do homework.  Gossip about it to your friends and check the school’s website constantly for that glorious news.

1.2  They have about a few ways of informing us students about cancellations and delays.  One: the website.  This time a giant red box was at the top of the website telling us when classes would resume.  Two: they contact everyone via their cellphones with text messages.  And I’m pretty sure word of mouth is big too.  I heard about our first cancellation from someone who checked facebook whose friend posted about the delay after they had heard if from the school.

2. The dining hall actually stayed open!  You would think that the staff that drives here to make us food would stay home but they braved the weather and the school put them up that night in some of our free dorms in Trinity hall.  We made a big banner and hung it in the dining hall with a million signatures and notes of thanks.

3. Slipping and sliding and snow-ball fighting happened, not to mention movie marathons and flocks of residents in the common room.

4. Snuggling with the electric blanked and cups of tea also happened.  Indeed, snow days are AMAZING.  They are also a lot less frequent than snow delays and cancellations in highschool.  In fact this was our first closing all year, and the last one I can remember was two years ago.  Hmm

5. And then you have to move your car out of the parking lot for a while so the plows can get in.

6. And then you have to make a snow person or beast!  I COMMAND IT!  }:)