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This Week’s Summery Topic: Wild Life June 19, 2010

Posted by Christine in summery topic.
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Summers in Indiana are always fantastic, and one of the reasons is all of the wildlife.  Here at school we have a pretty woodsy campus, especially around Mirror Lake.  Last year my roommate spotted a group of foxes around that area and was pretty surprised. I myself have never seen a fox (they’re so darn sneaky).  I have seen a red tailed hawk around campus on a walk around the back of the lake and the football field, and personally they’ve got to be my favorite raptor.  Another time an owl (not sure which kind) flew a few feet over my head on my way back to the dorms after a night class (awesome).  Not to mention all those adorable squirrels scampering all over the sidewalks.  I wonder if any staff or students might have an experience with a creature on campus.  If you do, feel free to leave a comment.

Not surprisingly, Indiana is in overdrive in the summer when it comes to wildlife.  And even though Saint Francis is located in an urban area, you can still spy plenty of local fauna.  Here are some of the great reasons (in picture format) to like living in our area in the summer (courtesy google images): 

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